Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bundle up for recess!!

 Please be advised that we will go out for recess during the winter whenever the temperature allows.  PLEASE make sure your child comes to school every day with a warm coat, hat, and gloves.


If there is snow on the ground, children will have to stay on the hard top unless they have snow boots.  (Snow pants are also encouraged to avoid spending the remainder of the day with wet pants!)


Warm regards,

The 4th grade teachers


Monday, October 28, 2013

The Great Suitcase Race is coming to Room 19!


Room 19 will celebrate Halloween this year with a Suitcase Race, an extra snack, a movie, and a rocket launch!  The Suitcase Race is a relay race where teams have to put on all of the clothing in a suitcase and run with the case to their partners at the other end of the line.  They then take off the clothes and have their partner put them on, who then runs back to the first side.  It goes back and forth until everyone in the team has “dressed up” and run in the suitcase clothing.


To celebrate, we would love it if kids could do the following:


1.      Send in an article of clothing from home for the race.  It should be quite big (adult size might be good), and you should know that it could possibly be ripped during the race.  No hats, shoes, or underwear but anything else is fine-- shorts, skirts, dresses, shirts, gloves, scarves, etc. 


Please send clothes by Tuesday, 10/29/13


2.    We need two suitcases on or before 10/30/13, if that’s possible for someone to send in or drop off.  Please email me or call if you can send one in: hwood@bpsk12.org


3.    On 10/31/13, kids should bring in their own, extra snack to have during our party.  We can’t have anyone bring in food for the whole class.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Homework Clarification
I wanted to clarify the weekly writing assignment that has been coming home. 

Our grammar book goes home on Monday; vocab on Tuesday.  Both books are due on Friday.  Both books have in them a writing assignment.  Rather than doing both writing assignments, I have combined them into one writing piece, due on Friday.  It works on the skill we are practicing in grammar, using the words we are learning in vocab. 

The idea is that they practice the grammar skill and work with the words all week in their books, then complete the writing piece later in the week.  We talked about this in class, but I don’t think they are always remembering, or passing it on!  From here on out, I will send the writing piece home on Tuesday, when they get their vocab words. 

I would still recommend doing some of the grammar and vocab before writing, but I don’t want to wait longer to send the assignment home as some children need the extra time to write.

Also, I am going to start giving the kids a quiz on their vocab words each week.  I sent home blank templates for flash cards for the vocab words.  We’ve talked in class about using them to study.  I am not checking them or collecting them, but encourage kids to use them during the week.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Parents' Back to School Night
Tonight is Parents' Back to School Night at Fox Hill from 6:30pm-8pm.  This is a time for parents to learn what your child will be learning about this year in fourth grade.  There will be an opening session in the Cafeteria with Principal Mrs. Johnson followed by sessions in the classroom.  I will repeat the same information in both sessions, so please feel free to come to either one.  Because time is so limited and so many families typically come, there is not time to address individual concerns.  We can meet privately at another time if you need to talk with me about your particular child's needs.
I look forward to seeing you tonight!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Instrument Lessons to Begin Soon

Mr. Napierkowski has been busy putting together schedules for students to begin receiving instrument instructions soon.  These lessons are available to all 4th and 5th grade students in Burlington with a fee only for rental of the instrument  (see the band blog link on the right hand sidebar here for more information).  Students receive weekly instruction on their instrument of choice as well as instruction on how to perform as a member of a larger school band that performs at some school assemblies.


Students in my class will have their lessons on Tuesdays beginning Tuesday,  September 10.  Instruments are not needed for this first lesson.  Lessons with instruments will begin on Tuesday, September 24.  If there are students who are interested but haven't chosen an instrument yet, they can go to any lessons next week to observe.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We've Survived the First Day!

The first day of fourth grade went smoothly today.  Students came in with smiles and seemed to quickly fall into step with old friends and new.  In the first few days especially, time will be spent getting to know each other and the classroom routines.  But don't worry- this will all pave the way to learning!  Little by little, academics will begin and patterns in homework and assignments will become familiar.  In the meantime, please feel welcome to email me at hwood@bpsk12.org with questions or call me at extension 6565.